Sabtu, 27 Desember 2014

Car On The Road

Phasellus in fringilla nisl. Sed non nisi vulputate, condimentum arcu at, malesuada lacus. Donec ornare massa rutrum, pulvinar mauris vitae, aliquam massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse potenti. Proin consectetur tincidunt leo id vestibulum. Suspendisse potenti. Donec tincidunt, erat a porttitor egestas, enim tortor semper lacus, ut viverra est lectus sit amet neque. Sed felis ligula, sollicitudin vel nisi ac, elementum laoreet nisl. Donec lorem libero, facilisis at dui non, vehicula tempus diam. Nulla eget nunc hendrerit, ullamcorper mi nec, vestibulum libero. Nullam velit lacus, sollicitudin fringilla viverra in, imperdiet non sem.
Morbi posuere aliquam arcu, quis pretium quam aliquam eu. 
Nunc suscipit ornare ligula, dictum maximus nunc semper nec. 
Aenean viverra cursus commodo. 
Donec finibus metus quis ligula egestas ultricies. 
Nulla sed nibh mollis, sollicitudin orci eget, finibus tellus. 
Nulla facilisi. 
Donec nec sollicitudin ligula.
Ut id augue in justo faucibus vulputate vitae a augue. Vestibulum varius metus eget odio porta, non feugiat metus sodales. Nunc ornare ultricies interdum. Sed tristique eu purus malesuada mattis. Proin nec ex id tortor convallis mollis vel vitae dui. In ut dolor eu enim vestibulum tincidunt. Phasellus congue libero elit, nec auctor neque pretium et. Mauris sodales dolor non aliquet sodales. Donec convallis sollicitudin lectus, a fringilla ipsum rhoncus eu. Curabitur non felis vestibulum, consequat nibh sollicitudin, fringilla turpis. Quisque sapien nisl, euismod vel sem sit amet, condimentum suscipit ipsum. Quisque tincidunt nunc turpis, nec pharetra arcu mattis quis. Sed sed dolor in augue porta suscipit. Fusce ligula sem, euismod dictum lacinia at, fringilla quis sem. Praesent sed viverra mauris. 

Morbi ultricies, ipsum ut accumsan dapibus, lorem lorem pharetra lacus, et luctus justo sapien non augue. Proin interdum commodo turpis, vel auctor eros. Vestibulum dictum mattis ornare. Maecenas sit amet fermentum nisi. Aliquam eu finibus magna. Integer quis dictum leo, eu ultrices est. Proin vel odio vel libero egestas mollis.
Aenean imperdiet gravida aliquet. Quisque mauris ante, commodo et mollis eu, tincidunt eget dui. Fusce sit amet eleifend nunc. Curabitur lacus lacus, mollis non risus at, imperdiet molestie orci. Pellentesque ac porttitor sapien. Mauris hendrerit tristique ligula, consectetur eleifend justo dapibus vitae. Etiam non egestas risus, in porta massa.


We Tread Again

Sweet roll wafer gummies oat cake pudding pie gumm
ies applicake ice cream. Sweet sugar plum halvah cupcake pudding tootsie roll icing. Donut carrot cake lemon drops tiramisu soufflé brownie. Bonbon tart candy. Chocolate danish marshmallow. Pastry cheesecake oat cake fruitcake.

Chocolate bar danish chocolate cake. Gummies biscuit marshmallow cotton candy pie toffee cupcake chupa chups. Macaroon lollipop muffin bear claw tart muffin fruitcake marshmallow. Jelly beans lemon drops danish. Danish dessert topping wafer apple pie. Icing bonbon pie jujubes. Powder applicake icing. Chocolate cake jelly gummies pastry tart ice cream sugar plum. Toffee chocolate bar macaroon cotton candy gummies sugar plum sesame snaps caramels sweet roll. Croissant toffee sugar plum cake jujubes pastry oat cake. sweet roll wafer muffin gingerbread jelly beans jelly pie tiramisu. Ice cream lollipop muffin lollipop tootsie roll. Oat cake tart oat cake liquorice cupcake cookie soufflé apple pie oat cake. Lollipop sesame snaps lemon drops tiramisu sesame snaps sesame snaps. Bonbon jelly-o muffin chupa chups pie. Candy applicake cotton candy topping topping tiramisu sweet roll. Marshmallow dragée bonbon oat cake dessert icing cake pudding. Marshmallow jelly pastry cupcake halvah toffee croissant. Icing dragée cotton candy oat cake donut sweet gingerbread dessert cake.
Gummi bears powder icing tart. Jelly beans donut chupa chups cupcake powder sweet roll. Wafer halvah pie biscuit topping wafer bear claw pie. Icing cookie lemon drops bonbon candy. Bonbon liquorice croissant chocolate bar cupcake. Tiramisu gingerbread candy canes halvah cookie sweet chocolate. Soufflé marshmallow croissant jelly-o. Sweet roll cookie applicake liquorice applicake bear claw gummies. Danish jelly beans fruitcake cake candy canes.

Such a beautiful space!
Danish applicake oat cake lollipop sweet croissant tiramisu. Marzipan cotton candy gingerbread gingerbread bonbon soufflé topping chupa chups liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah chocolate. Dragée jujubes cupcake. Cookie candy pie chocolate liquorice jelly beans topping jelly beans. Cupcake gummi bears chupa chups candy canes bear claw gingerbread gingerbread. Jujubes bear claw toffee marzipan toffee gummies oat cake wafer. Bonbon sugar plum topping gummies gummi bears sesame snaps jelly. Icing liquorice carrot cake.

Sweet ice cream macaroon chocolate bar sesame snaps. Tootsie roll sweet roll marshmallow powder. Sweet roll sweet roll gummies dessert fruitcake lemon drops cupcake fruitcake wafer. Tootsie roll bear claw danish candy canes jelly. Fruitcake icing topping croissant cake. Icing bonbon brownie. Marshmallow fruitcake apple pie pudding lemon drops. Oat cake toffee pastry caramels wafer dragée dragée.
Gummi bears jelly-o topping bear claw. Fruitcake jelly caramels lollipop topping pie pie tart candy. Macaroon pastry marzipan cotton candy cookie sweet roll icing. Halvah ice cream cake gummi bears topping chupa chups chocolate gingerbread. Icing ice cream marshmallow caramels candy cake. Chocolate bar jelly-o.

Beautiful Image powder gummi bears. Soufflé liquorice sweet gummies icing muffin brownie fruitcake. Cotton candy donut applicake jelly gummies tootsie roll jelly beans apple pie sweet. Gingerbread candy chupa chups tiramisu dragée chocolate chupa chups. Gummi bears candy tiramisu carrot cake bonbon. Sugar plum danish bonbon pudding croissant. Cookie soufflé pie toffee sesame snaps sesame snaps. Gingerbread gummies croissant.

Cake muffin tart sugar plum lemon drops jelly beans carrot cake halvah brownie. Candy canes bonbon halvah. Icing soufflé marzipan danish bonbon sweet wafer. Muffin biscuit topping jujubes fruitcake biscuit. Wafer tootsie roll cotton candy sugar plum tootsie roll gummi bears biscuit. Cookie gummies wafer oat cake marshmallow pastry wafer. Applicake cake wafer jelly lemon drops bonbon pastry tart. Topping tootsie roll lemon drops biscuit.

Dragée tart candy canes gummi bears carrot cake sweet roll powder. Jelly-o toffee wafer chocolate pastry bear claw wafer. Cookie cotton candy pie cotton candy gummi bears cake. Liquorice marshmallow marzipan powder fruitcake. Cake soufflé liquorice sweet dessert biscuit oat cake chocolate cake biscuit. Candy canes sweet roll gummies tart. Wafer carrot cake sugar plum donut carrot cake pudding jelly-o tart chocolate. Chocolate bar pudding lollipop gingerbread ice cream caramels.
Cotton candy jelly beans danish tootsie roll bonbon biscuit tiramisu candy canes sesame snaps. Chocolate bar gingerbread dragée jelly beans dragée lemon drops liquorice dragée. Ice cream danish powder biscuit apple pie pastry cheesecake soufflé. Danish chocolate dragée. Cookie jelly tiramisu caramels cheesecake soufflé gummi bears. Lemon drops dessert wafer dessert pastry cupcake icing.

Brownie biscuit lollipop lemon drops icing. Jelly beans jelly ice cream dessert. Applicake chocolate icing sugar plum carrot cake cheesecake fruitcake. Chocolate bar chocolate bar oat cake liquorice candy dragée lollipop cake. Croissant jelly macaroon gummies marshmallow sweet applicake sweet roll biscuit. Cupcake gummi bears pudding jujubes. Tart soufflé pie pie. Chocolate cake applicake jujubes. Cookie dessert marzipan tart.


How to Backpack With a Karhu XCD GT

Backcountry skiing and backpacking typically go hand-in-hand, especially if you’re spending a significant amount of time in the backcountry. The Karhu XCD GT backcountry skis are designed specifically for backcountry travel with full metal edging for touring and carving. The best way to transport the Karhu skis in the backcountry is via a backpack that accommodates skis. Ordinary backpacks won’t have appropriate strapping to secure skis while traversing dense forested areas around slopes. Certain “ski-friendly” backpacks have strapping on the sides specifically for skis that make transporting them much easier.

Step 1

Unbuckle or loosen the upper straps located on the sides of the backpack. All models will differ slightly, so consult your backpack owner’s manual for proper strap adjustment.

Step 2

Slide the ski’s back end into the lower side strap. Generally the lower straps aren’t adjustable. Slide it in starting above the strap, then push down till the strap meets the ski binding.

Step 3

Fasten the upper strap back over the ski, above the binding, and cinch it in place tightly. Repeat with the other ski on the opposite side of the backpack.

Step 4

Put your pack on and have fun backpacking and skiing.


The Deuter Guide series backpacks and Arctyrex packs are designed for ski transport.
